Looking to
Host an Event?


The perfect space for selling social tickets, holding an information session about your club or even organizing a bake sale. Tables and chairs for this space are available upon request.

Capacity- 200


On the main floor of the KDC beside the mingling area is the Lounge. This is a great booking space for large study groups, club activities, and anything for entertainment purposes.

Capacity- 50

For information regarding rules, regulations, procedures, and pricing please see:

Click HERE for more information regarding the
Manitoba Guidelines for Food Safety while hosting an event

-Items/Space Rental Policy-

Please note, that any and all bookings with liquor being served, must go through Bailey’s Café- as the only licenced premises in the KDC building.

Bailey’s offers high quality, reasonably priced catering for events both on and off campus. Click the button below to start your enquiry:

Booking Form:

BUSU Items Available for On-Campus Bookings:

  • Tables/Chairs

  • Projector & Screen

If you can't find what you're looking for call BUSU 204-727-9660 for more booking information.