BUSU Services

U- Pass

The Service:

Our U-Pass is the least expensive U-Pass program in Canada, and students across the country are looking to Brandon University as a model to help negotiate agreements in their own cities.

Using your U-Pass is a as simple as getting on the bus and tapping your student card on the console in-front of the driver. Whether you ride everyday, or just need it as a backup for when your car doesn't start, this service is both an affordable and eco-friendly option for students. 

How it all began:

In 2010, BUSU began discussions with the city of Brandon and Brandon Transit to look at creating a U-Pass for Brandon University Students. The result of these negotiations was an agreement of a $15 fee to be paid by all students at Brandon University in exchange for full bus services for a whole 12 months starting in September. 

In 2011, students voted in a referendum to gauge interest in the creation of the U-Pass and the majority of voters were in favour. After the referendum was passed, BUSU signed a 3 year contract with Brandon Transit for a $25 annual U-Pass for all students. 

In 2014 the initial agreement between Brandon Transit and BUSU expired however, Brandon Transit agreed to keep the $15 fee for one more year until further negotiations could take place.

The 2015 Referendum:

BUSU began negotiations with Brandon Transit again in the fall of 2014 where Brandon Transit mentioned that the $15 fee was no longer affordable for them. This resulted in another referendum in the 2015 BUSU elections. The referendum was worded as follows:

"Are you in favour of BUSU keeping the U-Pass service by increasing the annual cost to $16 for 2015-2016, $17 for 2016-2017, $18 for 2017-2018, $19 for 2018-2019, and $20 for 2019-2020?"

Students voted overwhelmingly in favour with 8.6% of the final vote. 

Printing Services

Printing for Students

Princh is our new service on campus!

Print directly from your laptop, phone, or desktop and pay online!

In the Knowles Douglas Building, New Student Lounge.

Printing for Staff, Organizations, Companies

BUSU offers various printing solutions. We specialize in the following:

  • Printing

  • Scanning

  • Binding

  • Lamination

  • Cutting

Why choose BUSU Print Services?

  • One of the cheapest printing options in Brandon

  • Print Services on Demand

  • Digital Printing

  • Quality Printing

  • Satisfaction Guaranteed

  • Quick Turnaround Period

Call us at (204) 727-9660 or email us at info@busu.ca to get a quote!