BUSU Elections & 2024 Results




Once you complete your Nomination package, email it to election@busu.ca

FEB 5-9 1st nomination period closes at 4:30 PM on Feb 10

FEB 12-14 2nd nomination period closes at 4:30 PM on Feb 15

FEB 20 All Candidates Meeting

FEB 21 Campaigning can begin

MAR 5 Meet the Candidates Town Hall

MAR 7-8 Online Voting Polls

MAR 11 Elections Results Announcement

*The 2nd Nomination Period is for any positions that are still vacant after the 1st Nomination period closes.


Executives Positions

Collectives Positions



  •  You will receive an email to your BU STUDENT EMAIL ADDRESS on March 7th and 8th with a link to vote.

  • Once you are ready to vote, click the link and it will take you to a ballot survey.

  • Each question will be for a particular Council position with the candidate’s name, followed by Yes/No options.

  • Community group positions (e.g. Accessibility & International Students Director) will have an additional “Not Applicable” option.

  • The survey should take approximately 2 minutes to complete.

  • Your individual responses will be confidential and you will not be identified in any way.

You can only vote ONCE anytime from 8:30am on Thursday, March 7th to 4:30pm on Friday, March 8th wherever you are, as long as you have access to your BU student email! 


Representatives/Senators Positions