Successful Campaigns



Considering the petition last year where students massively indicated the importance of the one (1) week fall study break. BUSU advocated for students and with the support of the School of Music who made scheduling changes, we were able to secure the one (1) week fall- study break again for students. The academic calendars for the next years now reflect a full week for the Fall study break. 


Considering the events that took place with the soccer team last year and the number of students who come to BUSU noting that they are unaware of resources, and whom to report to directly if they have a complaint regarding discrimination, harassment, sexualized violence, BUSU created a flowchart in the mingling area, that includes the individual to contact directly for all student complaints. The flowchart also includes barcodes that take students directly to the policies, procedures, and resources available regarding any student complaint. Students can find this flowchart in the Mingling area opposite Baileys.


Prior to this time, international students at Brandon University were not eligible for Bursaries or Scholarships with a financial need component as they were not considered to have financial need. This is not the same in most other universities ie the University of Manitoba where International students are eligible for bursaries. BUSU has successfully advocated for this policy change because international students do have financial needs. So, starting from the 2024/25 academic year, similar to how it is done at the University of Manitoba, international students at Brandon University will be eligible to apply for Bursaries and Scholarships with a financial need component. 


BUSU presented a motion to the Brandon University Senate which passed overwhelmingly to adopt the following policy for Faculty based appeal committees: 

  • That all faculty-based appeal committees must include at least one student representative appointed by the BUSU council; 

  • That all faculty-based appeal processes must include further appeal recourse to the central University’s Student Appeals Committee; 

  • That all faculty-based appeal processes must include notice that appellants may have a support person of their choice present at all appeal proceedings and an invitation to consult BUSU for information, assistance, and support when preparing for an appeal. 


One of BUSU’s most recent campaigns, and one that has been incredibly well received campus-wide, is the introduction of free feminine hygiene products in the gender neutral restrooms in the Knowles- Douglas Building. Students and indeed faculty now have access to these products with complete digression, in a move which garnered the support of many non profit organizations promoting gender empowerment and 2SLGBTQ+ rights groups.

BUSU is now aiming to roll out the initiative in every single restroom on campus, hopefully in the 2024/25 academic year!


  • Amendments to the Brandon University Discrimination and Harassment Policy and Sexualized violence policy. Proposed amendments can be found here.

  • Providing kitchen Space for Residence Students to be able to cook. This is especially important so students can have access to culturally appropriate meals. 

  • To make accommodations so preferred names of students are reflected in the official class registry. This is especially important for Transgender students at BU. 

  • To set parameters in place to ensure students receive information regarding academic appeal decisions in a reasonable amount of time from Deans.  

  • Creating spaces for marginalized groups on Campus.  


  • Student representation in committees brings a diversity of thought that would otherwise not be present in academic appeal proceedings. This motion affords the opportunity to have that diversity of thought and perspective on faculty academic appeal committees.  

  • It also ensures that students can appeal further to the University’s academic appeal committee on any matter of academic grievance. With this motion, Individual Faculties will not make the final decisions regarding academic appeals submitted by students.  

  • Finally, many students are not made aware that they can bring a BUSU representative to appeal proceedings. This motion ensures that it is communicated to the student the option of bringing a BUSU representative to the meeting or assisting with the appeal.